Monday, December 22, 2008

Cats, crochet, music, new products, movies, etc.
by Kullen79 | 0 comments
So, is it just me, or does it seem like every year when people go get their flu shots, they, and everyone around them gets sick and miserable? I mean, I've done all the research, and watched all the reports that claim that it's not the flu shot that makes people sick, but I am just not convinced! And all these people being sick around me really darkens the mood. I mean, when will people learn? If someone is sick around you, don't use their phone. Don't touch anything they have had their hands on. Don't drink after them or have a nibble of their sandwich. Come on people! And stop coughing in my face. Didn't y'all's mamas teach y'all any manners?
Enough of the rant. This is best time of year, as far as I'm concerned. I just love all these holidays. Halloween is over.....good times. Thanksgiving is coming up, which means, I will be making my first ever trip to the stores on the day after Thanksgiving. Being broke makes you do some crazy things. So, standing in lines at 4:00 in the morning is the sacrifice I will have to make this year to get all my Christmas goodies. I'm kinda excited about it right now, but I have a feeling that I will be exhausted when that day is over.
That's all I have to say about that.
by Kullen79 | 0 comments
Ok....I am all about my fall t.v. shows starting and being fresh and exciting, but......last night, I had Terminator from 8-9:00, then I was supposed to have Heroes from 9-10:00. Well, I had some other things that were keeping me busy, so I decided to tape them. I got Terminator just fine. Then I got Heroes just fine, or so I thought. The nerve of those people....they played TWO BRAND NEW EPISODES BACK TO BACK!!!!! So, I missed the second episode! Not that it wouldn't have been a totally fantastic night of television if only I had known! But, I didn't. So, I blame the network.....someone's gotta take the blame. How could they play 2 back to back new episodes and not make a huge deal about it beforehand? I mean...we all knew when the season premiere would be....just not that there would be 2 NEW EPISODES!! Ok....I feel a little better now. I guess I will just have to watch it on the internet.
by Kullen79 | 0 comments
by Kullen79 | 0 comments
Y'all.....season premieres have started for Fall and it's wonderful so far. Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles just started its 2nd season and it's really good. Fringe just started last night. It was pretty intense too. Here's a brief list of premieres that I am excited about:
by Kullen79 | 0 comments
This is one of the coolest things I have seen for people who own cats. This is very high on my wish list. It almost makes me want to be a cat myself. Everyone who owns cats already knows how cats like to climb on things and love to be up high so they can see everything that's going on around them. Well, this gives them something to climb and perch on that is not your kitchen counters, or any other spot in your house that you would rather there not be fur. It's called Katwallks. Here is an example of how you could arrange them in your house.
You can also use one as a bridge from one side of a doorway to another. Really cool idea! Check out the website. There are videos on there that show the katwallks in use by real life kitties!
by Kullen79 | 2 comments
by Kullen79 | 0 comments
by Kullen79 | 0 comments
by Kullen79 | 0 comments
by Kullen79 | 0 comments
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