Cool Product for Cats - Katwallks  

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

This is one of the coolest things I have seen for people who own cats. This is very high on my wish list. It almost makes me want to be a cat myself. Everyone who owns cats already knows how cats like to climb on things and love to be up high so they can see everything that's going on around them. Well, this gives them something to climb and perch on that is not your kitchen counters, or any other spot in your house that you would rather there not be fur. It's called Katwallks. Here is an example of how you could arrange them in your house.

You can also use one as a bridge from one side of a doorway to another. Really cool idea! Check out the website. There are videos on there that show the katwallks in use by real life kitties!

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2 comments: to “ Cool Product for Cats - Katwallks

  • John Stackhouse
    September 4, 2008 at 10:05 PM  

    im so proud of the blog!!!!

  • Alea
    September 16, 2008 at 8:32 PM  

    Okay, so nobody wants to keep my cats happy more than me but have you checked out the prices on these "cat shelves" as I like to call them? You have to spend a fortune just to place shelves creatively on the walls. I mean if thats all it takes I can have Steve rig some up for them. Why is everything so expensive?? It even costs alot to make your cats happily play on the walls. WTF? Cool idea though.


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