You know what sucks??
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Ok....I am all about my fall t.v. shows starting and being fresh and exciting, but......last night, I had Terminator from 8-9:00, then I was supposed to have Heroes from 9-10:00. Well, I had some other things that were keeping me busy, so I decided to tape them. I got Terminator just fine. Then I got Heroes just fine, or so I thought. The nerve of those people....they played TWO BRAND NEW EPISODES BACK TO BACK!!!!! So, I missed the second episode! Not that it wouldn't have been a totally fantastic night of television if only I had known! But, I didn't. So, I blame the network.....someone's gotta take the blame. How could they play 2 back to back new episodes and not make a huge deal about it beforehand? I mean...we all knew when the season premiere would be....just not that there would be 2 NEW EPISODES!! Ok....I feel a little better now. I guess I will just have to watch it on the internet.